For Immediate Release
May 12, 2013

Contact: Eric Wilson
Cell Phone: 859-983-5190
Email: ericwilson@ky912.com


Kentucky – Kentucky 9/12 Project was one of the very first large organizations to face the overreaching authority of the IRS and had the opportunity to tell our story to the Blaze helping breaking this story. It was clear to us in February of 2012 that our organization was being singled out due to implied affiliation with Glenn Beck and patriot organizations. It has become apparent with the IRS admission that that we were correct in our fears and that they unjustly targeted our organization and they offered a public apology in connection to these actions.

Kentucky 9/12 Project has fought back against this unwarranted attack from the IRS on our organization from day one. We refused to comply with their egregious demands and have consistently said these attacks have been coordinated and targeted.

Eric Wilson the Director of the Kentucky 9/12 Project makes this statement “while this is a victory for free speech and liberty in regards to the IRS recent apology I would say apology not accepted.”

The Kentucky 9/12 Project filed for a 501(c)(4) status in December of 2010. They received their first correspondence almost immediately back from their application saying there would be a determination within 90 days. Since then all of their activities, relations, and dealings have falling well within the bonds of that which defines this status. Despite this and with no reference to any issues with its original application or specific concerns almost 14 months later they received a letter (dated February 14) requesting detailed documentation to answer 30 questions with sub-bullets (88 total separate inquiries) and only a two-week period to comply. Even more alarming to directors of the group were the personal information the IRS were requesting and overreaching questions.On April 1 2013 after the election we received a 1 paragraph response from the IRS granted us our designation with no further questions or explanation for the delays

The Kentucky 9/12 Project operates a civic organization for the purpose of charity, education, and recreational purposes. Their mission is to provide a forum for individuals grounded in the 9 Principles and 12 Values, and to foster an environment to inspire and empower Self-Governing Leaders through the process of education, independence, sacrifice, with a firm reliance on Divine providence.

For more information about The Kentucky 9/12 Project, please visit their website at www.ky912.com

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If you’d like more information about this topic, or to schedule an interview with:

The Kentucky 9/12 Project - Eric Wilson (Executive Director KY912) at 859-983-5190
Ohio Liberty Council – Tom Zawistowski (President of OLC) at 303-592-1848


greyseal 16 May, 2013 17:53  

IRS letter no. 1313, is reserved for Notice of application for recognition of status of qualified group legal services plan. More fraud.
Letter 1313 request for information for cases received on form 1024 (01-01-2003)
Letters for Open Cases
1. For open cases, the appropriate letters are as follows:
A. Letter 1312(DO/CG) — First request for additional information for cases received on Form 1023, Application for Recognition of Exemption Under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
B. *Letter 1313(DO/CG) — First request for additional information for cases received on Form 1024, Application for Recognition of Exemption Under Section 501(a) or Determination Under Section 120.
C. ____________________________________________________________
26 CFR 1.120-3 - Notice of application for recognition of status of qualified group legal services plan
§ 1.120-3
Notice of application for recognition of status of qualified group legal services plan.
(a) In general. In order for a plan to be a qualified group legal services plan for purposes of the exclusion from gross income provided by section 120(a), the plan must give notice to the Internal Revenue Service that it is applying for recognition of its status as a qualified plan. Paragraph (b) of this section describes how the notice is to be filed for the plan. Paragraph (c) of this section describes the action that the Internal Revenue Service will take in response to the notice submitted for the plan. Paragraph (d) of this section describes the period of plan qualification.

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