What is a Blue Dog Democrat
by Eric Wilson
Blue Dog Democrats are “fiscal conservative” democrats. They range from moderate to progressive on many social and immigration issues but are suppose to unite on fiscal conservatism and accountability, budgetary matters and pro-business issues.
Make no doubt that these are progressives at their core and ultimately would be party loyalist to the Democrat Party. BUT, with the steam roll approach of the current administration and speaker of the house Nancy they, the Blue Dogs, are seeking relevance. This is what makes them important in today’s political environment. In addition many of these Blue Dogs come from Red States where they find their constituents disappointed with the “change” and even less about the “hope”. This was most apparent with the recent votes on cap-n-trade where many of these coalition of 50 sided with their party and then found a chilling reception when they came home to their voters.
These Blue Dogs are more vulnerable now than ever. They are scared and they want significance again. These 2 factors may allow us to use them to the betterment of the people to vote the “right” way. When ultimately given the choice between an anger President and an anger voter a politician will side with who can vote them back into office. For a politician when given the opportunity to have no relevancy and being a significant player that is fawned over for their vote it is no question which way their ego will take them.
We need to use them and push them to keep doing the right things for the nation and for their careers. Call and write and continue to let them know that we need fiscal conservatism. Hold them accountable and remind them that we surround them. We have 2 powerful weapons our founding fathers provided us. We can keep riding those that are in office and replace those that do not do their jobs. Let the Blue Dogs know that we will work with them when they work for us but we will be a formative adversary when they work against the will of the people.
Find a complete list of the Blue Dogs here and take time outside of calling our own Ben Chandler to reach out to others in the coalition to put pressure on them to oppose healthcare and other fiscal issue that rise debt or effect business.
Is it true that South Dakota and Wyoming share one congressional district?
Two States In One
I know we all have a shared interest in protecting the rights of doctors and patients to make personal, private, and independent healthcare decisions.
On July 4, 2009, I founded Doctors on Strike for Freedom in Medicine (www.doctorsonstrike.com) to take on the mission of preserving, protecting, and promoting freedom in healthcare in the America.
Inspired by The Declaration of Independence, Doctors on Strike issued the Declaration of Independence for Doctors to recognize:
--That doctors and patients have the same inalienable individual rights that all human beings have — the right to life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness;
--That the purpose of government is to secure individual rights, not violate them;
--That individual rights impose limitations on government;
--That statism in healthcare violates individual rights;
--That the statist healthcare reforms coming out of Washington would violate individual rights; and
--That doctors, patients, and elected officials need to act — now — to protect individual rights and freedom in medicine.
Our long-term educational objective is to supply doctors and healthcare providers with the intellectual ammunition required to win the “philosophical war” against statism in medicine. The "Intellectual Ammunition" page of our website (www.doctorsonstrike.com) provides a principled, vigorous defense of freedom in medicine based a philosophy of rational self-interest, individualism, and laissez faire capitalism.
Our most pressing goal for 2009 is to help defeat the statist healthcare reform proposals presently circulating through Washington. To this end, Doctors on Strike is actively encouraging doctors and patients to put intense political pressure on legislators during their deliberations on healthcare reform. And we provide the political ammunition to do this.
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