Praparedness Training

"A dependence on the people is, no doubt, the primary control on the government; but experience has taught mankind the necessity of auxiliary precautions." James Madison

You can go..
- 3 minutes without breathing (drowning, asphyxiation)
- 3 hours without shelter in an extreme environment (exposure)
- 3 days without water (dehydration)
- 3 weeks without food (starvation)

No one likes to think about it, but being prepared for a disaster - whether natural or man made - is an essential part of taking care of your family. Let’s start simple what do you rely on daily and think about life for just a week without any or all of them and not what it would mean to you and your family; Cell phone, internet, TV and radio, refrigerator, hot water. Now go a little further; Electricity, plumbing, grocery store, automobile, medical care, public safety, water, shelter, money. Just think what would a week without any or all of these be. It is easy to give dozens of scenarios that make all of the above obsolete in days and for you to be without them for months. When do you want to play what if, before or after they occur.

In any emergency situation, there are three types of people: victims, bystanders and leaders. We assume that you’d rather be a leader, rather than passively standing by waiting for help to arrive. Preparedness, initiative and proper knowledge of the resources available to any given citizen can go a long way in saving the lives of your neighbors, colleagues or family members. You may not think of yourself as a hero. You may not even think of yourself as a leader. But once you find yourself and your loved ones in a life or death situation, you’ll be compelled to do everything you can to help. Take time now to arm yourself with the knowledge, tools and resources to ensure that you’ll be able to make a difference for the better when called upon to act.

Warmth and Shelter
Although most everyone reading this post has some sort of roof over their head, be it an apartment or house, the fact is that your shelter is of the highest importance in the order of survival priorities. Not only will it provide shelter from the elements but will be critical to your sense of security and a centralized base for your family to operate out of. Remember depending on the situation this shelter may not always be able to be your home and you must consider different scenarios. In normal circumstances, water would be a first priority, however if caught in a cold un-sheltered environment for example, hypothermia could become your biggest problem before a lack of water. The fact is, human civilization will become completely uncivil after 3 – 5 days without food or water. Evaluate your current living environment, community, and geographical location to determine how safe you will be during a collapse scenario. If you live in the city or suburbs, have you considered a (Bug Out Location) – a location where you are less likely to be overrun by desperation in a longer term collapse.

Shelter at Home
Short video on emergency preparedness and staying in your home

Outdoor Shelter
Common Sense tips for creating a shelter outdoors

Emergency Warmth
There are a number of ways to accomplish warmth in emergency situations and based upon your needs, you should be able to find one that suits you.

Food and Water
You will surely die soon after 3 to 5 days without any water, depending on the specific conditions (this may sound a bit unreal, but it is true). If you live in the city, particularly a city in a dry region of the world, imagine the desperation that will rapidly overtake the population if water pressure is lost for more than 3 days. Unless you live on property with natural occurring water, you need to have excess water storage available for an emergency. Depending on your weight, physical activity, and environment, the human body needs nearly 1 gallon of water per day. Your life depends on daily replenishment of water.

Although you can survive longer without food it is essential for energy and try going a week without substance. It really is not difficult to build up at least a 30 day supply of food storage. Simply buy a few more items of the foods that you normally eat, each time you visit the grocery store. It is a personal and inward-looking choice to decide how much food storage is right for your family. Be sure that you have food storage preps in your home, your vehicle, your place of work, and your BOB (bug out bag).

CDC Water Preparedness
Detailed information provided by the American Red Cross

Stocking up Food 101
Information on food storage along with recommended inventory sheet you can use in your home

Survival – food basics
Great site that touches on the basics of food storage, canning, and other helpful basics

Safety and Security
Just like you can never predict when an emergency will occur that you will need extra food and water you prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Likewise you may never know when you may need to protect yourself or are faced with a medical emergency. Preparation here is critical as well. It is important to know the basics of medical care and have the essentials to take care of any thing on your own that may come up. There are many good first aide kits available and information on line on building your own and basic first aide training is a great skill to have at any time.

Because you DO have a right to defend yourself and protect your family, your property, and your physical well being. Imagine yourself trapped in a disaster situation, where calling 911 brings nothing but a dial tone. Imagine no water, no power, no phone and no police protection. Imagine that you, your family, your home, your pets and your dwindling supplies are at the mercy of roaming thugs. Potentially dangerous situations can arise at any time, but the fact is, the threat of violent activity tends to escalate during disaster situations. Being prepared to defend yourself takes away the element of surprise from an attacker, giving you the upper hand. If you don't think you need our personal safety products now, you, a loved one or someone you know, may someday become a part of the rising crime statistics and wish you had been better prepared.

Preparing a First Aide Kit
Information and list of suggested items to stock a first aide kit

Appleseed Project
The Appleseed Project is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to teaching every American our shared heritage and history as well as traditional rifle marksmanship skills.

Choosing the right gun
Helpful information in choosing the right gun for survival or emergency situations

Other Educational Resources

There are tons we did not cover and courses and courses someone could go into on this subject. Our objective was to provide you with the basics and begin you thinking about if you are prepared and the first steps you may do to become more equipped for a variety of emergencies. Many times those first steps are the most difficult and it was our hopes that this will give you the encouragement, let you it is the right thing to do, and help get you started.

Survival – Tips
Deep inside every mom is a Survival Mom whose passion for her family drives her to make the best of the present and prepare for the future

Jim Rawles, is a survivalist author, a former U.S. Army Intelligence officer and technical writer and writes this blog full time now.



Tex 11 January, 2011 09:11  

Thanks for putting this resource together.....

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