Heritage Educational Training

The first steps for many of us is education and enlightenment on the principles and heritage of this great nation. The best way to long lasting liberties will be a foundation and understanding of where we came from and what the founding fathers intended for our republic.

Principles of Freedom 101: Study Guide -
Outline to go through the 5000 Year Leap and excellent campaign piece to the book

“Why America Is Great: Our Rich Heritage.” -
The first volume of American Majority’s pamphlet series. They wanted to focus on the principles of freedom and government that influenced our Founding Fathers. Taking a step back into Roman, Greek, and Hebrew society, they analyze founding principles, explaining their importance and why they must educate ourselves on the history that made us great.

“Why America Is Great: The Rule of Law.” -
The second volume of American Majority’s pamphlet series. They discuss the rule of law as it contrasts with the rule of man. They analyze the idea that the king and parliament could not arbitrarily make laws because they themselves were subject to a higher law. Finally, they explore how this battle of ideas helped to spark the American Revolution.

“Why America Is Great: The Appeal to Justice.” -
The third volume of American Majority’s pamphlet series. They discuss the realization that laws were not created by man, but came from a higher power. Thus, the restrictive laws laid upon the colonists sought to restrict their inalienable liberties. Read on to learn more about the philosophical foundation brought forth in the declaration.

“Why America Is Great: Self-Government.” -
The fourth volume of American Majority’s pamphlet series. They take a deeper look at how the practice of self-government – on both an individual level and communal level – laid the foundation for the American republic. For any person or nation that is able to govern itself will have the freedom to flourish.

Constitutional Convention Podcast series -
American Majority President Ned Ryun explores the major players, debates, and results of the 1787 U.S. Constitutional Convention. In this 31 part series, Ned explores some of the more obscure, but no less important, players of this critical convention. His insightful approach and dedication to accuracy makes for an entertaining and educational resource for anyone looking to learn more about the history and founding of this country.

Days of the Revolution Podcast series -
Understanding the ideas, figures and events leading up to the revolution is the key to understanding the kind of nation our founders desired. In this podcast series, American Majority President Ned Ryun brings the time period leading up to the Revolutionary War to life. A keen student of 18th century America, Ryun often highlights figures whose impact remains under-appreciated in modern history books.

Other Educational Resources

Wall builders:
Comprehensive collection of historical documents, books, videos, CDs, and other products

5000 Year Leap & Making of America:
Resources from the National Center for Constitutional Studies

Archives.gov – Founding Fathers:
For brief biographies of each of the Founding Fathers who were delegates to the Constitutional Convention, select the names or the states below

Principles of Freedom 101: Study Guide:
Outline to go through the 5000 Year Leap and excellent campaign piece to the book

Constitutional Town Hall:
The Hillsdale College Allan P. Kirby, Jr. Center for Constitutional Studies and Citizenship is hosting a Constitution Town Hall (”Reviving the Constitution”). It aired Jan 30th but is archived and if you create a logon is well worth viewing

Glenn Beck - Live Free or Die:
January 22, 2010- Glenn Beck's first documentary, The Revolutionary Holocaust- Live Free or Die. This is broken up in 5 parts and each one is well worth viewing. Please take time to educate yourself and pass this link on to spread the word of the truth about history. Warning: Some of the images in this program may be disturbing to some people..Viewer Discretion is advised

The Constitutional Sources Projects:
Includes links to the United States Constitution, Federalist Papers, the Papers of John Adams, George Washington, George Mason and much more

Gilder Lehrman Institute:
The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History - The Founding Era

Truth for Patriots:
About spreading the truth of America and its history so that God is glorified

We The People.gov:
National Endowment for the Humanities that supports the strengthening of the teaching, study, and understanding of American History

The Constitutional Sources Projects
Includes links to the United States Constitution, Federalist Papers, the Papers of John Adams, George Washington, George Mason and much more


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