Providence (Self-Depravity)

Self-Governing Leaders

Liber - GeorgicsVirtue - Divine Providence

Providence (Self-Depravity)

This comes from the Latin word providentia meaning “foresight”. It is more commonly used with sovereignty of a Divine God as being “omniscience”. There are three aspects to the concept of providence: 1) there is a Higher Power, or God, 2) God has a specific purpose and is in control, and 3) firm reliance on Divine Providence only comes from an understanding of ones own depravity. It is subtle but true that light shines brightest in darkness; that you seek hope when you have none in yourself. Man has fallen and is corrupt and left to our own will and desires is sure to fall short; BUT GOD in His sovereignty has a purpose and is in control. Those who understand their self depravity believe in and submit to Divine providence. They work with passion and purpose - they live by design, rather than default. They live with a firm reliance on Divine Providence that all things work together for good, to them that love God, to them that are the called according to His purpose.

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