IRS Scandal Town Hall - Northern Kentucky
Update meeting on the IRS targeting scandal.
Northern Kentucky Tea Party (Boone CO)
Monday July 15, 6:00pm
Shakey’s Restaurant – 7718 US 42, Florence, KY
(Directions – take I75 get off at exit #180 US 42 east, after 3 traffic lights in strip mall on left)
You have heard the news, gotten the talking points, but do you know the facts!! Learn the truth and discover the details behind the IRS scanda...l and how it impacts citizens. Find out why this is not just a tea party issue but crosses party lines and how it may inevitably effect Obamacare.
* General background of targeting and facts concerning who were involved
* Review KY912 experience, IRS specific requests and our responses
* Status of federal lawsuit against IRS and Treasury Department and ACLJ involvement in representing KY912
* KY912 decision to participate in lawsuits - basic principles and goals
Lawsuit details: structure, stages, seeking
* Update on Congressional and Senate investigation as pertained to our involvement and briefings
Do you know that the attorney for Lois Lerner is a partner at Zuckerman Spaeder (no relation to me) and that the current White House deputy counsel is from Zuckerman Spaeder?
Another subject -- Congress exempts itself from Obamacare. Federalist No. 57, halfway down, says that if the people tolerate Congress exempting itself from legislation, it means "the people will be prepared to tolerate any thing but liberty." If you believe the people should maintain our commitment to liberty, please call this Federalist No. 57 observation to others.
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