IRS Scandal Town Hall Forum in Georgetown
Town hall style meeting on the IRS targeting scandal.
Georgetown 9/12 Project monthly forum
Tuesday July 2nd 7:00pm
Great Crossing Baptist Church - 101 Stamping Ground Rd, Georgetown, KY
(Directions – turn onto 227 off 460, church immediately on right)
You have heard the news, gotten the talking points, but do you know the facts!! Learn the truth and discover the details behind the IRS scandal and how it impacts citizens. Find out why this is not just a tea party issue but crosses party lines and how it may inevitably effect Obamacare.
* General background of targeting and facts concerning who were involved
* Review KY912 experience, IRS specific requests and our responses
* Status of federal lawsuit against IRS and Treasury Department and ACLJ involvement in representing KY912
* KY912 decision to participate in lawsuits - basic principles and goals
Lawsuit details: structure, stages, seeking
* Update on Congressional and Senate investigation as pertained to our involvement and briefings
Jeff Abler board members of Kentucky 9/12 Project (KY912) will be facilitating and representing the organization which is one of the larger groups targeted early on and sited in the federal case against the IRS and United States Government. Eric Wilson the Executive Director for the Kentucky 9/12 Project, who has spoken nationally about this case including on Glenn Beck and has testified in front of Issa’s committee will be there to answer questions and provide insights as well.
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