Common Core v Classical Liberal Arts

Common Core has been hitting the headlines and Brush Fire Forum has a recent article as well that is making its rounds on various sites: “Common Core Hammers the Final Death Nail in Education”

Self-afflicted, but after 100 years of government intervention there is a problem with education system today. The solution though is not more money, more training, more tests, and definitely not Common Core. Instead of a single “common core” standard and centralization of our education, we need to de-centralize it. Education is a family and a community issue, and we need to reclaim local control of educating our children.

Secondly, one size does not fit all, and our exceptional students are not common. Instead of a conveyor belt system to train our children, we need to free the education system and free the minds of the students. We must again begin to “teach to learn” instead of “lecturing to recite.” Teachers left to their own abilities will teach and inspire as they did for generations past.

For a 250-year span that brought innovation and enlightenment, our foundation was a classical liberal arts education. A nationalized Common Core standard in education will close the door on innovation and not only set us back but throw us forward into educational bondage. If efforts do not occur to turn back the advancement of Common Core and nationalization of our education system, our children may not learn or ever again realize the liberties this country once offered its citizenry.

Great new article not only giving a comparison of what education was (or should be) but what are the real dangers today of implementation of Common Core. We need to be aware of what common core will mean to our children’s education, our schools, and our community. We need to stop the bus on common core and bring back local control and learning to the classrooms.


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