Happy Anniversary from KY9/12
It just proves we have a happy marriage when you don’t really celebrate your anniversaries anymore….
It was four years ago that four little words sparked a new kind of revolution. One based on principles and values to bring us back to a people we were and should be.
Since we first came together to prove to each other that we were not alone many things have changed (some bad, but some good) and many of us have grown. We have made an impact in our own lives and those around us and totally changed the landscape of political thinking. From 140 people at the first viewing party we now have over three thousand members state wide and many new close bonds and new found friends. We have garnished international attention, inspired national initiatives, and became one of the most recognized 9/12 groups in the nation.
On this day I wanted to thank you not for what you are doing but what you gave me and so many others these last four years. You continue to remind us of those four little words that first brought us together that we can hold through struggles, and the troubling times ahead.
Happy Anniversary
And always remember
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