Rally for School Choice in Louisville
On Monday, December 10, 2012, the Kentucky Black Alliance for Educational Options and the Bluegrass Institute will rally with a coalition of parents, organizations, pastors and community activists on the front steps of the Jefferson County Public Schools (JCPS) Administration Building (3332 Newburg Rd.) demanding immediate change from the school system and Board of Education to improve the educational circumstances for Black and low-income students.
Our children cannot afford to wait 4 or 5 years to see if change will happen. They are failing TODAY.
Where: JCPS Administration Building, 3332 Newburg Rd., Louisville KY
When: Monday, Decmeber 10, 2012 at 5 pm
Who: Pastor Jerry Stephenson, State Directors, Kentucky BAEO Jim Waters, President Bluegrass Institute, Mattie Jones, Louisville Civil Rights Activist, Gracie Lewis, Louisville Civil Rights Activist, Lenora Yarbrough, Parent, Dick Innes, Education Analyst
Note from Pastor Jerry Stephenson:
I want to thank all of you for your support for Black and Low-Income Students. Our community was made aware on November 1st by Superintendent, Donna Hargens that JCPS student’s test scores would be very dismal, from the new common core state standards. Out of more than 32,000 Black student’s with JCPS over 70% of the students are below in their academic proficiency in math and reading.
Under the direction of Superintendent Hargens and Board Chairperson, Diane Porter, new policies are being implemented. However, when discussing with JCPS and State Officials how long will it take to see a massive change, where the majority of our Black and Low-Income students will become proficient. The answer was 4 to 5 years. My response, so what we are saying is, current students in middle school and high school will just be left out. This means that thousands of our Black students will drop out and fall right back into our community without the skills to support themselves, leading to a life of crime/violence, drugs/streets, jails/prisons or the grave yard.
We as a community must rise up and speak with one voice concerning the mis education of our Black and Low-income students. The Black Alliance for Educational Options, (BAEO) has partnered with the Community/Parental Choice Coalition, has developed a resolution that speaks to the issues we face with the education of our children. We will present this resolution to the JCPS Board, Monday, December 10th.
We will hold a press conference at 5:00 PM in from of the School Administration building on Newburg Road. Please commit to come and show your support and yes, “Let’s Speak As One Voice” to this Board. By ourselves we can do some good, but together we can accomplish much. I’m praying that you will join us, thanks.
Theresa Camoriano
Louisville 9/12 Project
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