Kentucky State Sovereignty Resolution

Kentucky State Sovereignty Resolution
""The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” -- Tenth Amendment, U.S. Constitution

Before there were ever a federal government there were sovereign individual states. Our Constitution was comprised of these states coming together and merely providing a contract between those states for their common good. This was highlighted and articulated in what we read in the 10th amendment. Hence that is why we have became the United States, why we are a republic, and why we are citizens of the Common Wealth of Kentucky. It is my assertion that not only we the people need reminded of these facts but our elected officials need constant reminding as well. We need to jog the memories of our representatives that we are in fact a sovereign state. We need to stand up for the 10th amendment of the United States that affirms this and protects us against the oppression and intrusion of bad policies from the federal government. Our state needs to be once again our first line of defense against unfunded mandates and unconstitutional policies and we need to put the over reaching federal government on notice to leave us alone.

Although such resolutions by themselves would not solve the problem of a federal government which dominates and bankrupts the states by ignoring the Constitution's provisions, these Tenth Amendment resolutions can serve as steppingstones to further state and federal legislation to restore the proper balance of power between the states and the federal government. Kentucky needs to once again be one of the first to pass this or a similar resolution. We need to show that citizens of this common wealth bow to no one, including the federal government.

Find more information about the tenth Amendment movement:
- John Birch Society
– Rep Sam Rohrer of Pennsylvania YouTube video
- Information on HCR 168 that was filled last February here in Kentucky


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