Ways to Get Involved

"It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men." Samuel Adams

I know it can be intimidating when it seems like you are a lone voice and it appears you are surrounded by your adversaries. Trust me when I say reality is much different. The truth is we are the natural governing majority and the masses, if communicated to, believe as you do. We have not moved; the government has. The reality is you are not alone and we surround them. Here is what you can do to make an impact:

  • Start at your dinner table:

  • We suggest that you start in your own homes.  Pray about it, talk to your family's about your families Values and Principles.  Discuss the importance of what the founders designed for America. Ground yourself and family first and foremost in these principles and talk about what is going on in our country and what it means to your family.

  • Educate Yourself:

  • You have heard it said that those who don’t know their history are destine to repeat it. Focus on history, learn history, educate yourself, and no longer just except what you are told; question with boldness. The single best way to long lasting liberty is through a well informed republic. It is your honor and responsibility to ground yourself in knowledge and understanding of where we came from and what the Founding Fathers wanted for this nation. We must remember who we are; you will be the key…

    Click Here to Educate Yourself

  • Reach out to others:

  • Communication with your neighbors is vital to the process of protecting our country and letting you and others know that you are not alone. Hold or attend weekly or monthly meetings in your neighborhood or town. Gather in living rooms, coffee houses or restaurants. The key is to not keep to yourself but find a resource group and encourage each other. Share your thoughts and ideas. There are already many neighborhood meetups going on and can be found on the calendar or contact us to start one in your area.

    Click Here to Find Local Meetups

  • Become part of something:

  • Of course be part of our group and join us to make a difference. But even if you do not join this group, find an organization that you can join and support. There are many great groups out there fighting the fight and spreading the message of liberty. Be part of something and find one or more of these groups that fit your objectives, goals, and values. And don’t just join but try to get involved. Contact them and ask what you can do, go to meetings, and keep in touch with what they are working on.

    Click Here to Learn how to Become a 9/12er

  • Prepare and plan:

  • Let us be honest and it is time to get your head out of the sand. It is not frivolous to say plan for the worst but hope for the best. You have auto insurance why, you have home owners insurance why, we have healthcare (now some of us unwontedly thanks to Obama) why; which one protects you and your family from other potential situations that could occur. Take the time to plan, prepare, and give you and your family some piece of mind for the rough waters ahead.

    Click Here to learn how you may become better prepared

  • Give back:

  • Liberty and capitalism come down to the rights and choices of the people. To make a difference, we need to give our time and money back to those that need it. Support advertisers on friendly websites, local businesses, and members' businesses. Donate money to your favorite blogger's tip jar or group. Contribute to local campaigns or political action committees that are fighting the fight and can make a difference. Give time and money to deserving organizations and help them who are not holding their hands out to the government but rely on support from the general public. Volunteer and help out in your community or with a local non-profit organization that is working for the people and not the government.

    Click Here to Give Back

  • Start taking action:

  • At some point, standing up for what’s right has to take precedence over protecting everyone’s feelings – we are at that point! When you find good articles, send them out to friends. Post comments on blogs and message boards. Talk with co-workers and family members about what is going on. Become a watchdog and be the first to start barking when things in our government is wrong. Find simple actions you can take on this site or others.

    Click Here to Start Taking Actions

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