Expanded Gambling/Gaming in Kentucky...
Posted by Lisa Manning 06/13/2009
In case you didn't know, Expanded Gambling Bill tied to the horse industry in Kentucky has been kicked around for at least three years that I can remember. For one reason or another, it has died every year. Having friends and family in the horse industry, like many of you, this Bill has always been of great concern to me. I worry about our horse industry. It is the bread and butter of Kentucky and it is hurting. We are being beaten to the punch by states with bigger purses AND breeder incentives or tax breaks. How can we be the "Horse Capitol of the World" when Dubai has a race with a bigger purse than the Kentucky Derby?
Here is the conflict...I am a Christian. I don't think you should gamble and I don't gamble. I don't think you should drink alcohol and I don't drink alcohol, and so on; you get the idea. But we already have gambling at race tracks. And with the computer age a boomin', you can gamble from your computer right now. You can gamble in other countries right now.
So, where do I stand? Well, you will never know because I will never be able to vote on this issue. After hoping year after year that the people would get a chance to decide, it looks like the Fat Cats in Frankfort will decide for us. Thanks for nothing.
Why are they arguing about this again, in a special session, no less? Why are "We the People" not deciding this issue? Why are we wasting money on an issue that has been on the docket for more than three years anyway? Did some of our finest leaders have an epiphany over the issue and are going to somehow pass a Bill? Not likely! Let me ask you this question. If your boss told you to do a job, like answer the telephones when they ring, and it took you over three years to do it; would you have your job today?
I hope our rep's have a nice time at the Governor's big party, on my dime. I can't think of anyone more deserving of a night of celebration than them! A vision of Donald Trump saying "Your fired" comes to mind.
View the article Kentucky.com
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