What a week - IRS 9/12 Project and Tea Party

You know something is wrong when you answer the phone and it is a reporter from the Huffington Post and his very first words are “I was wondering if I could get your response?” This is how my day began Friday May 10 at about 11:00am

The Associated Press broke a story quoting Lois Lerner, who heads the IRS unit that oversees tax-exempt groups, as saying that organizations which included the words "tea party" or "patriot" or “9/12” in their applications for tax-exempt status were singled out for additional reviews. This set off a firestorm in Washington and back here at home. The government was admitting what we had been saying for over a year and gave proof that the Kentucky 9/12 Project had been targeted by this administration and held hostage for close to two years.


Kentucky 9/12 Project was one of the very first large organizations to face the overreaching authority of the IRS and had the opportunity to help break this story nationwide over a year ago. It was clear to us in February of 2012 that our organization was being singled out and collectively the board of directors decided we must take a stand. It has become apparent with the IRS admission that that we were correct in our fears and that they unjustly targeted our organization and they offered a public apology in connection to these actions.

By the time I had left work to come home I had spoken with Fox News, The Blaze, ABC, CBS, CNN, NY Times, Washington Post, and USA Today (I only emailed the Huffington Post and did not give them a verbal interview)

My initial statements on behalf of the organization were “The apology is a victory for Free Speech and Liberty. While we should feel vindicated for or principled stance against the government’s use of the IRS as a weapon against liberty groups - we also feel there are many still unanswered questions. Clearly like the targeted attacks on groups like ours, this was politically motivated and questions of who was requesting this information, why, and for what purpose need to still be addressed.”


Well it turned out as bad as we believed things were – they were even worse.

Monday and through this past week more and more revelations have come to light and more and more groups have begun to come forward with much more terrifying stories than ours. Although this administration tried to intentionally bury this story in a Friday media dump and hoped that it would be forgotten I knew this wasn’t going away when Kentucky 9/12 Project and my statements were trending at the top of Drudge’s page Monday evening.


By Tuesday of the week I was asked to fly to Washington DC almost immediately in regards to what was going on. I am proud of the other groups that also joined me and are now bravely telling their stories as well of intimidation and scrutiny and I am proud of our membership here in Kentucky for your support and honored I could represent all of you. I am also very very thankful for the ACLJ and FreedomWorks who took care of all the expenses for my travel so that it would not put a burden on our organization or my family.

Thursday May 16 - Kentucky 9/12 Project proudly stood with the ACLJ (American Center for Law and Justice), 16 liberty groups from around the country, as well as members of Congress including Senator Rand Paul (R – KY) and Senator Mitch McConnell (R – KY). The conference was sent up by Michelle Bachmann outside the capital to discuss the IRS scandal and the tea party and 9/12 Projects demands.

Speaking for the group I said “Our press conference at the capital helps shine a light on these injustices and the clear targeting and overreach of the government on citizens and their free speech”

Jordan Sekulow, executive director of the American Center for Law and Justice, speaking at a press conference said the IRS may face more than civil litigation as a result of the decision to give extra scrutiny to Tea Party and 9/12 groups. The threat of criminal charges, he said, “is real and serious.”

There have been many more sound bites but the biggest revelation which we had been saying all along is that this was not what was being originally reported – this was not low level officials nor was this isolated to just a Cincinnati office. This was clearly targeted and coordinated from above. Even scarier we now also know that it crossed agencies within this administration for other people after filing being harassed by the OSHA, EPA, FBI and a collect selection of alphabet organizations. This was not incompetence but a culture and examples of Chicago thug politics.


Clearly what this administration has done was unconstitutional, illegal, and possible they are even liable for civil lawsuits.

Many representatives are calling for investigations and people to be held accountable. Thursday we testified to the council of the government oversight committee lead by Darrel Issa (and the committee Thomas Massie sits on) and Mr. Issa let us in on what they would be investigating and I was shocked by the information he collaborated and confided in us. On the Senate side the Finance committee with the co-chair Mitch McConnell will be doing hearings as well and we have submitted swore testimony on what has occurred to the Kentucky 9/12 Project.

On Friday the Ways and Means had a full committee hearing with Steve Smith from the IRS and the current IG. Of course if you had watched the testimony you would learn that they couldn’t remember anything, didn’t recall anything, wasn’t sure about anything, and couldn’t even say who they spoke with a week prior. The three big moments though were
1. Steve Smith saying he personally did not believe there was anything wrong or illegal with targeting conservatives for additional scrutiny
2. The IG said a key phrase that went unnoticed in the press “at this time” – this leaves the door wide open for more information to come with additional investigation from the IG office (and I am sure it will)
3. That after Rep Mike Kelly from PA goes on for 5 min on the meaning of what this intimidation to people like us and you and another person gives him a standing ovation that you get gaveled (but it was worth it!!!!)

I made it back home but this past week could be the tip of the iceberg. For starters the Kentucky 9/12 Project is working and would be represented by the ACLJ and could file a civil suit in federal court against the Internal Revenue Service as soon as this week. Congress is going forward with investigations and I have been insured I will be going back to DC to possibly testify. More individuals and groups are coming out that were previously scared to tell their stories - and some of them are pretty spooky.

The 9/12 Project was founded on principles and the idea of standing together and to show that you are not alone. It is in principle that we objected to the obvious overreach of federal agencies beyond its authority. It is our groups spirit of personal responsibility and accountability that we made a principled stance against the IRS early on and demonstrated to an overreaching administration that WE SURROUND THEM.

It is our hopes that the proper people are held accountable and as important that a low level official in the future will think twice before blinding taking an order that is illegal or unconstitutional. Next that citizens in bondage and fearing the government will feel just a little empowered and begin to take stances when similar things happen and less people will go along and follow orders without questioning with boldness.

To that end PLEASE if you or anyone you know has been a target of the IRS unjustly in the past couple of years for your political activism please we need your story. Please let us or Freedomworks know about the details of what you went through. We need to stand together on this and for the freedom of assembling and freedom of speech.

On a final note I want to say thank you so very much. I have heard words of support from many of you and I cannot tell you how important that is and how much I need to know that we are in this together. I have said that this is not about a tax designation or the KY 9/12 Project but a principled stance and a stance for everyone in any liberty group.

We still have a journey a head of us on this one so please keep us (including my entire family) in your prayers. This is stressful and I would be a miss if I did not say scary what we are doing. Our family truly grasp the seriousness of this and the ramifications in our actions – your support is what keeps us going and us knowing we are doing it for the right reasons.


Unknown 20 May, 2013 04:10  

Don't give an inch to these tactics, that would steal our liberty,and the God given right to be free! Shalom.....

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