Renaissance not Revolution

Sadly we have people on both parts of the political spectrum converging now to storm the Bastille from different sides. Seeing the occupy Wall Street Mob, you should fear directionally where this country may be going. Among the crowd are anarchist and useful idiots that are crying for a revolution. They are clearly against something but with no clear vision of what they are for and even less clarity on ideas or virtue. The time is now but we do not need a revolution; what we need is a renaissance.

After decades of attempting to change things from the top down, we realize that the answer is not a revolution – it is a renaissance. We require a renaissance of people and ideas, not one of systems or policies. Any revolution without a guiding “compass” – a foundation of morals and ideas – ultimately becomes all about power. It creates the followers and useful idiots demanding the immediate overthrow of a system. By contrast, a renaissance is based on personal responsibility and personal enlightenment. It empowers leaders that will transcend to the eventual changing of a system.

The occupy mob on Wall Street and across the country has been called spontaneous, passionate, romantic; and I would add resentful, angry, and delusional - anything but statesmen, spiritual, or reasoned. As they join those on the far right and cry for the heads of the queen and leaders of the systems history tells us their end will throw themselves into the arms of tyranny to save them from the destruction they created.

We agree that the current system is broken and we, as a nation, are on the wrong path. We have drifted far from the nation of people driven by intellect, sacrifice, and public virtue that characterized this country at the time of its founding. We no longer understand – or even concern ourselves – with what it means to be a self-governing leader. As individuals, we have lost our sense of deep obligation to our marriages, our families, our communities, and even to ourselves. We have forsaken our responsibilities to not only empower others, but personally as well.

There is a clear and urgent need for a renaissance among us. It is our responsibility to empower self-governing leaders through education, preparedness, and charity. Leaders in marriages, leaders in families, leaders in businesses and churches, leaders in communities, as well as state-level and national leaders, but first of all – leaders of self in personal life.

“The ancients who wished to illustrate the highest virtue throughout the empire first ordered well their own states. Wishing to order well their own states, they first regulated their own families. Wishing to regulate their families, they first cultivated their own selves. Wishing to cultivate their own selves, they rectified their hearts. Wishing to rectify their hearts, they first sought to be sincere in their thoughts. Wishing to be sincere in their thoughts, they first extended to the utmost, their knowledge. Such extension of knowledge lay in the investigation of things.” – Confucius 500BC

We are at a great crossroads that may determine the future of our nation and the liberties of the next generation. We need a renaissance based on ideas and enlightenment to keep the flame of liberty burning. The time is now, and it is your duty and ours to empower new leaders and founders – and once again be a nation of people driven by intellect, sacrifice, and public virtue.


riverdave 29 June, 2012 10:19  

"It is not our job to protect the people from the consequences of their political choices."

How very true. I particularly liked the Confucius quote in this posting, and this is certainly how we need to progress. Look at your own heart then take care of your family. Now my children have long been gone from the nest,yet there is still much that I can and must do for them and their children.

I start with this commonwealth, where I try to bother as many of MY 133 employees [aka: the house and the senate] with my 1,000 votes.

Let me explain the 1,000 votes.
Many years ago I was fourteen and working on the campaign of Sen. Barry Goldwater, I had turned 15 by the time we won the Republican nomination. They hosted a lunch for the volunteers with many politicians in attendance and speaking and Senator Goldwater himself. At one point in time when the Senator was visiting the various tables he sat by me and we spent about 5 minutes in conversation. I told him at some point that I was sorry that I could not vote for him, [The voting age at the time was 21 and I was 15] he just smiled and said "David, you have already voted for me 1,000 times." It took me a moment but I finally grasped what he said. And I have carried those 1,000 votes with me to every election since. I carried them to MA,OH,NV and CO physically and WI,NH,and UT by working phone lists. Also by the minor sums of cash I am able to contribute.

Just now Michelle Bachmann needs support. We MUST reinforce the 'House' and gain a majority in the Senate, but let US be certain that we support those that share the values we hold to be true. That understand the Constitution and it's intent. Keep in mind that has I see it the Constitution is a tool, much like this machine I 'talk' to you on, the The Federalist Papers are the 'operating manual', you should be well versed in both and make sure your representatives in government understand their oath and responsibility.

I went to CPAC this year and listened to Gov. Palin speak. Awesome! At one point she noted that -- "We send people to represent US that swear they are going to drain the 'cesspool', but after they have been there a year or so they say,'Well this isn't so much a cesspool, looks more like a jacuzzi, and they jump right in."

We must very carefully vet our candidates and hold them to their words. We do, in fact, have 'term limits' 6 yrs for a Senator and 2 for a Congressman. Your vote, no your 1,000 votes, are the tool.

On this point I would mention that if just one more person would have gotten off of the couch and taken his or her 1,000 votes to the polls last election Andy Barr would have replaced our 'missing dog'.

Please get out there this year, it is a crucial point in time for our nation.

In Liberty, David [riverdave]

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