Beginnings of Greatness!

What do the beginnings of greatness look like? Not the obvious signs that present themselves as results after greatness has developed, but the earlier steps greatness takes as it is being forged. We have been conditioned – and aided by human nature – to look for something flashy and unmistakable as we seek out greatness, but we often overlook that which is much simpler. We rarely see the more humble and unassuming beginnings of greatness really look like.

What about a boy raised by a poor family in a small Kentucky home? Like most children of the frontier, he worked the fields, hunted, and fished – even though this tall and awkward young boy didn’t particularly like any of those activities. Abraham Lincoln as a youth was called a “lazy slip of a fella.” His uncle would defend him saying that Abe was not lazy, but that he just did not like “hunt’n work.” One could conclude that he did not like “hunt’n schooling” either, and he was not fond of the “Babble School” that he was forced to attend. Abe’s father worked hard on keeping him “firm and straight” with punishments that were common in those times. His dad said Abe’s worst habit was “putt’n in” and not knowing his proper place in family discussions. Looking at this tall, lanky boy growing up on the frontier, you see a young man that is awkward, does not like to do chores, does not like school, and talks back – sound like any pre-teens you know? For many years, Abe would go on to fail at most everything he tried, which made it unlikely anyone could see greatness – and the sixteenth president of a nation in turmoil.

We may now be at a turning point in our nation’s history. The political pressure that is driving this great country either over a ledge or into bondage feels overwhelming. There may be signs or glimmers of greatness – but what have we done? We are just ordinary people that came together to see that we were not alone. We now wonder if we are making an impact in this fight for liberty, in the direction of our nation, in the purpose of our lives. We look around and see bigger things others may be working on and question if we are doing enough. Things continue to grow darker, and it gets more and more difficult not only to see greatness, but to see the shining light on the hill. Do you see the beginnings of greatness or the end?

Abraham Lincoln’s childhood was not easy. He learned self-reliance the hard way through the necessity of growing and hunting your own food for survival. Abe was self-educated and loved to read – spending countless hours in front of a fire reading anything he could get his hands on. He learned about self-sacrifice by growing up on the frontier where others depended on you and you helped out your neighbors. He learned self-depravity through a strong faith in divine providence and the values passed on from prior generations.

These are the principles of greatness – and the principles of a statesman. You may not have seen big things from Abe while he was being forged in his developing years, but it was those simple things he did and learned along the way that made him great. It may have been possible to miss the light shining within him as a boy, but this humble torch grew into a great illuminator!

Two-and-a-half years ago, we first met in humble surroundings with no idea what our future as a group had in store for us. Many of us began to read and discover the joy of self-education in our own lives. We picked up books like “The 5000 Year Leap,” “The Federalist Papers,” and other classics. As a group, we promoted personal responsibility – and for many of us, it became a personal mantra. We have become more prepared in our personal lives, and are working towards self-reliance for our families. We combine to form a very charitable group – always coming through when any need arises. So many people have stepped up and given of themselves, personally and selflessly, and demonstrated the principle of self-sacrifice. We are founded on 9 key principles and 12 core values, and everyone has gone beyond just endorsing them – to embracing them and living them!

If you have been part of this movement for anytime, you have felt something. The feeling you recognize in the pit of your soul – as you look at the others involved around you and see what you are becoming – you are witnessing the beginnings of greatness. You are the statesmen and leaders that will arise when called upon. You will be the new leaders in your homes, your churches, your community, and possibly your nation. You are forging a path – not only for you – but the next generation. What may be simple or humble to those looking in, is powerful…and truly the beginnings of greatness!

You may not see it today (or even tomorrow), but stop looking for some powerful display or profound sign. Instead, continue to self-educate, learn self-reliance, experience willing self-sacrifice, and practice self-depravity by putting your full faith in a higher power. These are the principles which forge leaders and in His time you may be called to greatness.

Abraham Lincoln was an awkward, lazy pre-teen – he became a great man.

We are forging the future and the next Jefferson, Washington, Lincoln, or Madison may be among us today – anyone may become a great man or woman.

Today holds the beginnings of greatness!


Orion 25 September, 2011 16:53  

Respectfully, that kind of "greatness" is definitely what we don't need. I'm in total agreement with 9/12, but why you keep lifting up Abe Lincoln as a paragon of virtue is beyond me. He laid the foundation for the huge, overweening, nanny-state government that we have today. Please get all the facts...
"According to this provocative book, 600,000 American soldiers did not die for the honorable cause of ending slavery but for the dubious agenda of sacrificing the independence of the states to the supremacy of the federal government, which has been tightening its vise grip on our republic to this very day."

And no, I am not a racist by any stretch of the imagination. Slavery was wrong, but that is not what the War of Northern Aggression was about. Please get all the facts and stop deifying Lincoln.

Constable Lexington-Fayette County, Kentucky 25 September, 2011 22:27  

No one is deifying Lincoln. Lincoln had no agenda to destroy state rights. You say it yourself that this dubious book is "Provocative". Maybe you should read more factual books and stop looking for conspiracies under every stone.

Lincoln was far from perfect but if it were not for his actions during the worst time in American History states rights would have meant nothing because there would not have been a USA in the end.

I am all for states rights but this Libetarian idea of "as long as we are not hurting anyone else we should be able to do what ever we want" is a joke. There are consequences for actions no matter what you think and every action effects someone somehow.

Now is the Federal Government out of control; of course it is! So are the state and local governments. Because everyone wants it their way. The idea that "I" always know best has gotten us here and look what we have to show for it.

The Founders knew it would come to this and did all they could to protect us from ourselves. It is now up to us to stop criticizing the leaders of the past and lead toward the future. Lincoln was not perfect as a matter of fact he probably was the most humble President we have ever had. He felt terrible guilt over the war and the loss of life on both sides.

The reality is that we are quickly headed toward an even worse civil war in this Republic this time based on income not color. Will we learn from the past or stupidly stumble head long into an even worse conflict. Our Republic and more importantly our childrens futures depend on us to be leaders now.

It is time we use the lessons of the past to avoid repeating its mistakes.

Steve Hamlin

waypasthadenough 26 September, 2011 06:31  

The respect was lost when you ballyhooed the great tyrant who killed 600,000 so he and his masters could keep taxing the southern states and thus turned our republic into an empire.

Someone else beat me to the links so I'll only add that in a free country no one is convicted of a crime unless they have actually harmed another or their property. The 'moral' causes of the drug war and many others are revenue enhancement, for both sides, or they wouldn't exist. The moral justification is to get idiots to mindlessly support these profitable tyrannies.

Glenn Beck doesn't tell you everything, maybe because he doesn't know everything or more likely because it's his job to keep a lid on the 'movement' and keep it from knowing or doing too much. I vote the latter.

The 'tea party' has yet a lot to learn. Most of them are clinging to as many lies and cultural idiocies as those they claim to oppose. They will make no real progress until they learn all of our history and pledge allegiance to real human Liberty not just another version of authoritarianism and stop choosing just another NWO hack to replace the other NWO hack.

I suggest you actually follow the links and read the book and learn something of reality instead of the garbage you've been spoon fed by the govt. schools and mainstream news media and brain dead indoctrinated preachers who have been trained to keep their flocks in their churches and out of the government.

And I'll leave you with a couple of my own:

...and learn about what the 'drug war' is really about:

And for the record, I was a patriot and militiamen before the 'tea party' was cool...

Orion 27 September, 2011 18:07  

Steve, you state "It is time we use the lessons of the past to avoid repeating its mistakes.". Thanks for reinforcing my point. Read the book. It is at the Lexington Public Library. By the way, I was born and raised a Yankee. I learned my government school history lessons very well and I too thought Lincoln a good man and a great President, just as Obama does. Seek and ye shall find. The Truth will set you free. We can't change the past, but we can stop repeating the mistakes that the past teaches us.

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